Thursday, October 05, 2006

Learn to write Japanese symbol

Hello Everyone.
Today, "Learn to Speak Japanese Lesson" is updated.
Today's lesson is about How to say "I live ...." in Japanese.
There are 2 examples.

1. How to say "I like Music"
2. How to say "I like Sumo"

You can either go to Learn to speak Japanese site, or listen to it from the below.

Click here to get your own player.

By the way, we have also stated Japanese videocasting lessons.
Every month, a new lesson is added on our official website.
Learn Japanese for real communication

One more thing about learn to write Japanese symbol.
Here 2 pictures we have taken recently.
One is from the Japanese temple we have visited.
As you can see that they use the Japanese kanji symbols, and write vice versa.
In Japanese, a Japanese temple wirte kanji symbols back to front.
Japanese Symbols

The next one is the menu from a Japanese susui place.
Normally, you would see the menu written in Kanji and hiragana.
Katakana is rarely used in this case.
Japanese symbol